A very rare issue of Fakhr al-Din Bahram Shah
Los 3551
ISLAMIC, Anatolia & al-Jazira (Post-Seljuk). Mengüjekids (Erzincan & Kermakh). Fakhr al-Din Bahram Shah, AH 560-622 / AD 1165-1225. Dirham (Bronze, 22 mm, 5.38 g, 6 h), Arzanjan (Erzincan), AH 570 = AD 1174/5. Citing the ruler’s full titulature in the margin, ‘Fakhr al-Dunyā wa al-Dīn Abu’l-Muẓaffar Bahrāmshāh ibn Dāwūd’, continued in the central circle, ‘ibn Isḥāq / nāṣir amīr / al-muʾminīn’ (‘Fakhr al-Dunya wa al-Din Abu’l-Muzaffar Bahramshah, son of Da’ud, son of Ishaq, helper of the Commander of the Believers’ in Arabic). Rev. In the margin, ‘ḍuriba [hādhā al-dirham] bi madīnat Arzanjān bi tārīkh’, continued in the central circle, ‘sana / sabʿīn wa / khamsa / miʾa’ (‘This dirham was struck in the city of Erzincan in the year 570’ in Arabic). Album 1892.2. Very rare and with almost complete legends. Somewhat brushed and struck slightly off center, otherwise, very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

Marco Polo visited Arzanjan (modern Erzincan) only five year before this coin was issued, reporting that the 'the people [of Arzanjan] are Armenians', and that Arzanjan was the 'noblest of cities' and the See of an Armenian Archbishop.
25 CHF
170 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Jul-24, 21:36:00 CEST
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